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ACE Offers Students a Chance to Get Tutoring from Professors

By Ellie Ratliff, Sports Editor

The Academic Center for Enrichment, located in the Richardson Library, now offers Faculty Face Time. Faculty face time provides students the opportunity to meet with their professors for tutoring in the Richardson Library. This is another perk of the ACE, which has consolidated the writing center, student tutoring and now faculty face time into one place. Some of the professors who offer faculty face time are Dr. Jason King [associate professor of English and writing], Dr. Andrew Potter [department head and professor of mathematics], Dr. Rich Traylor [professor of history] and Dr. Michelle Dose [professor of chemistry and physics.]

“They have asked faculty who are willing to spend some time in the ACE center to do so,” Dr. Potter said.

Dr. Potter teaches mathematics and is available for tutoring in the ACE on Monday from 1:30 p.m. to 2:30 pm. “It is a way to get the professors out with the students, so the students are a little more likely to come and see the professors. That is really all it is - having your office hours out there instead of in your office,” Dr. Potter said.

This effort is nudging students who may be struggling with a certain class to go and get help from their professor. Making the professors more accessible will hopefully encourage more students to go to tutoring.

“The benefit would be more students coming to see us. Getting out there might be a little friendlier. It may take a while to catch on. Maybe as we get further into the semester, more will come. We just want to allow students who want to succeed, the chance to succeed,” Dr. Potter said.

Listed on the ACE schedule are the professor’s available hours. Every week at that time they will be in the library at the ACE ready to help students. You can find the ACE schedule with the professors and their hours on your Canvas dashboard. Students are encouraged to take advantage of this opportunity.


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