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From the Mountain to the Valley By: Marlee Sorrells

Writer's picture: HSU BrandHSU Brand

Dr. Jimmy Dorrell, co-founder and president emeritus of Mission Waco Mission World, spoke at Cornerstone last week. He also facilitated a Q&A luncheon for students on Wednesday of Cornerstone week.

“Jimmy Dorrell is a man who I believe embodies Old Testament prophet characteristics,” Baptist Student Ministry (BSM) Director Manny Silva said. “He stands in the midst of our lives and tells us that the way our life is now is not the way that it should be. He admits that there is pain in the Christian walk and we should enter into other people’s pain.”

Cornerstone is a three-day event hosted by the BSM where a guest speaker leads chapel. The purpose is to take time out of the typical college schedule and perpetuate the ideas set forth in the foundation agreement of Hardin-Simmons University.

“Cornerstone for me is three days of getting to interrupt the fast pace of college life to direct our hearts, minds, and thoughts to Jesus,” Silva said. “It is also a good opportunity to focus on our callings as Christians and how we look at our world around us.”

Dr. Dorrell’s first message was based on going from the mountain to the valley and working with people who do not have as much. He spoke about his time traveling and conducting missions and his work in Waco with the homeless.

“Chapel was a great experience for individuals to learn more about pressing issues in our culture, like poverty and homelessness,” Micah Stone, a senior economics major from Kyle, said.

At the luncheon, Dr. Dorrell spoke more in-depth about his work with Mission Waco Mission World and the work he conducts in his neighborhood.

“I thought the luncheon was really interesting,” Ashleigh Power, a freshman chemistry major from Hurst, said. “I liked that we got to ask him (Dr. Dorrell) questions and learn more about his projects.”

His second message was about the Christian community and how his community changed through his work by creating a grocery store, coffee shop, movie theater and other improvements in his neighborhood. He also spoke about how the people in his neighborhood began to change and take pride in where they lived.

“It was interesting to hear how much small changes in a community can cause such a shift,” Philip Hough, a freshman English major from Garland, said. “I really didn’t think that not having a light pole would cause so many things.”

His final message was about the authentic church and how churches do not need a building to reach out to others.

“His last speech was really compelling,” Jonathan Durance, a freshman math major from Manitoba, Canada said. “I really like the idea of being able to help others in their faith without having to be tied to a specific church group.”

If you would like to help with Dr. Dorrell’s cause, BSM plans to participate in a poverty simulation in the spring. There are also opportunities to promote similar progress in Abilene with community service projects.


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