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Logsdon Offers Spiritual Formation Colloquium

By Samuel Gomorra, Staff Writer

A worship service is held every Thursday at 11:55 p.m. in Logsdon Chapel. This service was traditionally called Colloquium, but this semester they have renamed it to Chapel Worship.

The theme for this academic year is the presence of Christ and focuses on practicing the

presence and being the presence of Christ.

Dr. Meredith Stone, associate dean for Logsdon Seminary and professor of Christian

ministry and scripture explained how this is just another way for students, faculty and staff to come together.

“We have tried to extend the opportunities a little bit more to other students and other people within the HSU family to participate with us in this,” Stone said.

Instead of doing a traditional worship service with music and a sermon, this is more of a guided contemplative experience.

“We ask many questions like, ‘what is the contemplative life’, so that we are filled in a way that we can incarnate the presence of Christ wherever we are,” Stone said.

It is a time for the community to gather to worship together. After the service in Logsdon Chapel, lunch is provided if you register for it by the Monday of that week.

“We worship together, and we fellowship around the table together. Maybe it is a mirroring of the early church,” Stone said.

This is meant not to compete with Chapel on Tuesday, but to simply provide another time for people to come together and worship in a different manner.

“This is a supplemental worship experience for those who are interested in a smaller worship experience on campus with fellow students that is probably a little more intimate compared to the larger Tuesday Chapel,” Stone said.

The seminary students also benefit from this event as they work so hard leading and organizing these types of events that they often miss the experience of worshipping with others.

“One of our hopes is that the seminary students who spend a lot of time thinking about theology and the Bible would have a chance to stop and exist in the presence of God in community together,” Stone said.


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