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Gold Rush: A Rush Season and Bid Day Recap

Updated: Nov 13, 2020

By: Victoria Roach

With all rushing and pledging activities being moved to the fall semester this year, Greek life ended rushing season the day before B.W. Ashton Fall Break with bid day.

Rush events looked a little different this year as HSU tried to protect students as much as possible. HSU’s regular campus COVID rules were strictly enforced at rush events and they will continue to be enforced throughout the pledging process.

Rushing season was full of fun and laughter and even some baby goat yoga. This year’s rush events were some of the best, even compared to bigger universities. Some Greek rush events from this season included Zeta Omega Phi’s Break an Egg event that welcomed all to come throw eggs at members of the club, Sigma Alpha’s baby goat yoga on Anderson Lawn, many pajama nights from various clubs, Kappa Phi Omega’s Nerf Guns and Rosa’s, and Phi Phi Phi’s Pillow Phight Night.

Rushing in the fall gave more opportunities for people to get involved on campus, stay engaged, meet new people, and make long-lasting friendships. On Thursday, Oct.15, both men’s and women’s social clubs joined the “gold rush” and welcomed new pledges with bids from their clubs.

Many clubs are excited to start pledging already, as you can see the changed names of new pledges on social media. With safety in mind, all clubs are being diligent to follow rules for the protection of other members and new pledges.

Rushing and pledging look positive this year for every club, and many are looking forward to making the most out of their time together in the midst of uncertainty. Clubs all over campus are prepared to make adjustments to pledging for the safety of their prospective new members and get started in welcoming new pledge classes.


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