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Love Shouldn't Hurt by: Delani Bauer

Sigma Beta and the social work club will be hosting a free lunch panel to discuss domestic violence on college campuses Feb. 21 at 11:30 a.m. in Johnson 103. Attendees will receive one Continuing Education Unit (CEU) upon request.

Love surrounds us everywhere.  On Valentine’s Day, everyone is reminded of the importance of love.  Being loved by others makes people feel special and wanted.  It is crucial to both love others and be loved.  

Your relationships should not cause you stress or anxiety.  They should fill you with contentment and happiness.  Love should be two-sided and benefit all parties involved.  You should not feel like you need to change the way you are in order to be loved.  You are perfect the way you are.

Love should never hurt. There are many red flags in relationships that act as warnings for things to come.  Red flags are not always obvious.  Sometimes a relationship may look perfect in public, but behind closed doors abuse is taking place.  These do not just pertain to romantic relationships, but may include relationships with family members or even friends.

If someone loves you, they should not ask anything in return for their love.  Abuse comes in many forms, and it is not always physical.  Some examples of mental abuse include isolation, aggressiveness, controllingness and unwanted pressure.  If you are experiencing these or any other forms of abuse, it is not your fault.

Abuse in relationships can become a cycle.  If you recognize that this is happening to you, it is never too late to get help.  Talk to a trusted friend or family member about this abuse.  You do not have to go through this alone.  Hardin-Simmons University offers free counseling available to every student. This is completely confidential, and no one will judge you.  You are the victim.

It is easy to ignore signs of abuse.  When we love people, we tend to focus on the good and ignore the bad.  Sometimes we even think that we can fix the person and achieve a healthy relationship.  Abusive relationships generally do not get better over time.  The only fix is to end the relationship.  

Fill your life with positive people that uplift you and bring out your best.  Do not be afraid to ask for help.  You are important and deserve to be loved in a positive manner.  No one deserves abuse of any kind.

If you or someone you love is experiencing domestic violence, talk to the HSU counselors by emailing or call 325-671-2272. You can also contact the Domestic Violence Hotline by calling 800-799-7233 or texting START to 88788.


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