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Rush and Pledging by: Lauren Sincerney

Sororities and Fraternities have long been a staple for many colleges and universities and are a way to make friends and to get involved on campus. 

This is no less true at Hardin-Simmons University. HSU has six primary social clubs on campus. These groups include two fraternities, Kappa Phi omega (Kappa) and Zeta Omega Phi (ZOO) and four sororities, Phi Phi Phi (Tri Phi), Sigma Alpha (Sigma), Delta, Alpha Iota Omega (AIO). To join one of these organizations, students must participate in a process called pledging. 

“Pledging is an official ‘initiation’ period to access the club and learn about traditions and bond with the members,” Courtney Govea, senior graphic design major from Salado and member of Tri Phi, said. “My favorite part is getting to be with Tri Phi every night. I love getting to know our new pledges and making new memories with current and new members.” 

Pledging starts with rush season where the groups on campus host events for students to attend and learn about the clubs and talk with their members. When rush season is over, the next event is Bid Day. On this day, the social clubs will send out a “bid” if they want a student to join their group. If accepted, the student will meet up with the group on bid night. They will also learn who their “bigs” are. Bigs are members of the club that act as a big sister or brother to their “little,” the new members of their social club. They help them through the pledging process and become good friends with their littles. Then after bid day, the pledging process begins. 

In years past our pledging process would last four weeks,” Mikael Echeveste, senior strategic communication major from Fort Worth and member of Kappa, said. “Now it will last two weeks like all other social clubs. From bid day starts the pledging process, which consists of daily activity and nightly lines. Kappa makes everything we do at line have a purpose. After you complete all the lines you are inducted into the club which makes you an official member.” 

Pledges will meet every night of the weeks of pledging to learn about the club, members and each other. Pledging is when the bonds between members and pledges grow and solidify. The last day of pledging is called Initiation. Every club has different processes for Initiation, but it is mainly the day that pledges become official members of their clubs. 

Club members say pledging and joining a group is a great way to get involved on campus and make friends and connections in a new place. 

If you think you click with the group of guys that are in the social club then think about joining,” Echeveste said. “I would also say to ask questions and make an effort to get to know the guys. Most of the members stay in a social club for a reason. Find out why.” 

“I didn't join till my junior year so you have time,” Govea said. “But it is a great way to easily get connected with Christian women and make friends for life.”


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