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Sadie Hawkins Dance Recap By: Onosetale Eimunjeze

On Dec 5th, Hardin-Simmons University’s Cowboy Country Club celebrated the Formal Sadie Hawkins dance. The dance took place from 8 p.m. to 11 p.m. and was located in room 103 of the Johnson Building.

The Cowboy Country Club is a relatively new school organization that offers a variety of dance classes. They have different level dance classes and teach the classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays. The club is open to all of the University’s students, giving the students the opportunity to explore dance at whatever proficiency level they are at, beginner, intermediate or advanced.

Hailey Myers, a senior accounting major from Malakoff, who participates as the media manager of the club, said that not only did they work hard to successfully plan the dance, but they plan to make the event annual, pioneering this Sadie Hawkins dance of 2022 as the first of a series.

The dance had a food table with different snacks and refreshment options, a DJ and a DJ booth were present and people could make song requests outside the planned playlist, a photo wall was present and the club encouraged formal attire. The aim of the dance was to cultivate school spirit by bringing students together to have fun, hang out and destress right before finals, Myers said.

The dance was open to Hardin-Simmons students, alumni, faculty and staff, and non-Hardin-Simmons students over 18 years. There were three raffle draws, and gifts such as Cinemark tickets, Bahama bucks passes, primetime bowling passes, a Starbucks gift cup etc., were won. The option of playing board games and cornhole was also available for periods when people wanted to just hang out rather than dance.

“We are so excited to be on campus with this club and can’t wait to be more active in this upcoming semester," Myers said.


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