Hardin-Simmons University’s Student Government Association (SGA) has just elected its new 2022-2023 officers. I had the privilege to sit down with Evan Morgan, newly elected vice president, and hear how excited the team is for the upcoming fall semester.
The 2022-2023 officers are as follows:
Brittney Parr as President (junior biology major from McKinney),
Evan Morgan as Vice President (sophomore English major from Granbury),
Carson Ozbun as Treasurer (freshman economics major from Amarillo),
Kanton Galvan as Secretary (sophomore strategic communications major from Denver City),
McKayla Olney as Chaplain (junior communication sciences and disorders major from Hawley),
Jaszmine Hooper as Senior Class President (junior psychology major from Mansfield),
Kayleigh Watkins as Junior Class President (sophomore music education major from Borger),
Raylee Bevill as Sophomore Class President (freshman pre-PT biology major from Justin),
Jessica Buford as Sophomore Class Senator (freshman exercise science major from Wallis),
Kyla Thompson as Sophomore Class Senator (sophomore early childhood education major from Fort Worth).
“In SGA, our primary function is community. We want to be the heart of the campus, the bridge that connects the administration to the student body,” said Morgan. “Specifically for this upcoming year, we are determined to focus more on meeting new people and making them feel a part of the HSU family and provide the means for their voices to be heard. We’ve kind of lost the ability to do that these past few years due to COVID-19, but we are excited to provide a change this upcoming year. We want to pair up with a lot of different social clubs on campus and just build the student body and help be the backbone.”
Evan Morgan had wonderful things to say about each of the officers and the attributes they will bring to SGA. “Everyone has a kind heart and loves Jesus and that’s and we want for HSU,” Morgan said. “Each officer comes in with a kind-hearted, hardworking, loving attitude, ready to get stuff done.”
SGA’s office is located in the center of Moody Center, right outside the Caf. “Anyone is more than welcome to stop by. We want to talk to you and make you feel like you are not a stranger. We want to build connections; that’s why we’re here and want to be here for you. We want to know what we can do for you,” Morgan said.
“If you ever have a need, concern, like or dislike about anything, we want to know about it and see what we can do to better your time here at Hardin-Simmons,” Morgan said. “Please don’t be a stranger.”