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Upcoming Spurs Clinic Opportunity

Updated: Feb 20, 2020

By Ali Richardson, Staff Writer

The Hardin-Simmons University Spurs are hosting two upcoming clinics on Feb. 8 and March 7.

Bailey LeRoux, head coach of the Spurs,is excited about this upcoming opportunity for high school girls who are wondering what it’s like to be on a dance team at the collegiate level. “We’re hoping to invite local girls who are interested in dancing, to come on campus, spend a day with us, test out and see if dancing in college is something they want to do,” LeRoux said. 

LeRoux and the team, will not only get to know the girls participating, but also teach them about what it’s like to perform as a team in this capacity. 

“After we get to know the girls and introduce them to everybody, [we will] start with a warm up and work on some technique. We will walk them through the way we do leaps, turns and our specific technical quirks that we have as a team. Then we will teach them a routine that is about a minute and a half long. They will perform that with us in February at the women’s basketball game. In March they will perform with us on the floor for their parents. There’s not a basketball game in March so it’ll just be a little showcase,” LeRoux said.

After learning the routine and dancing all day, before they perform, they will also get to be able to tour of the HSU campus.

LeRoux wants to encourage girls to attend, even if they are unsure about whether they should join a dance team. “I tell them that it’s really an experience for people who are considering trying out at the collegiate level dance team. There’s a lot that goes into it and the more experience you have working with collegiate teams, and a variety of them, the better your chances are and you’ll have more information about making that decision. It also prepares you for auditions when the time comes,” LeRoux said.

Most dance teams have a clinic that is an introductory sort of audition for a team, but also a training ground for those who are not quite there yet. It gives them an opportunity to see what they need to work on and give them time to work on individual problems. 

While it might help, it is not required that one has a background in dance beforehand. “I have had some people that have come in with not much of a dance background. I’ve had cheerleaders come in and be able to pick up all the things really quickly, or they won’t. The recruit clinic is a good place to try that out, as opposed to coming and doing a full day of auditions, and not being able to keep up,” LeRoux said.

LeRoux shared what she is most excited about for the clinic. “I’ve been talking to a few recruits who I’m excited to have in our space and get to know the girls who are already on the team. I think it’ll help solidify their decision one way or another. So, I’m excited to see who all shows up,” LeRoux said.

“Aside from a great experience, you get to perform for a day of fun and get to dance all day,” LeRoux said.

1 Comment

Good work, Team and Coach Bailey.

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