Finals are approaching, and the semester is coming to an end. This past semester has flown by filled with many memories and fun times.
“I would describe this semester as a blur because time has gone by so fast. I feel like I just started this semester,” Grace Fleitman, a freshman biology major from Denton, said. “Things have been very busy with softball season, but the semester has been rewarding as well”.
This semester has definitely gone by quickly, and there is so much to be grateful for. In fact, Emily Arriga, a freshman elementary education major from Georgetown used the word grateful to describe how she feels about this semester. “I am grateful for this semester because my friendships grew, and so did my relationship with God. Also, new opportunities came into my life, and I am grateful for so many things this semester,” Arriga said.
Kristen McMillan, a junior exercise science major from Winnsboro, feels a similar way about this semester and described the semester as fulfilling. “This semester has been fulfilling because this semester gave a lot to me both in sports and in the classroom, and I also grew in my relationship with the Lord,” McMillan said.
In addition, Keely Gallagher, a freshman nursing major from Frisco, shared that she chose trust as a word to describe this semester. “Over the course of the semester, I have really been working on my relationship with God and have really leaned to trust His plans for my life,” Gallagher said. “It’s really cool how the Lord has been working this semester, and I’m looking forward to what the future holds.”
This semester has definitely been great for many, and it is always rewarding to look back on the Lord’s faithfulness and count the blessings He has provided.
