By Brianna Cravens, Copy Editor
Jamie Pogue, Hardin-Simmons University Cowboy football player, was named ASC Special Teams Player of the Week for the second week in a row on Sept. 15.
Pogue is a junior at HSU and is a kicker for the Cowboys. His three field goals against Sul Ross State in the first game of the season tied the HSU school record.
Pogue is majoring in history education, with a minor in religion. He has played football since he was six years old and was a quarterback until his junior year of high school and then moved to kicker.
Pogue shared how it felt to be named ASC special teams’ player of the week.
“It was pretty cool to get recognition for something you have worked hard for, but it wouldn’t be impossible without the offense, so it felt weird getting spotlight for something that couldn’t happen without them. I have worked really hard and have never taken the path of least resistance, so getting recognized for that was pretty cool,” Pogue said.
Pogue explained why he wanted to play college football.
“My dad is a sports broadcaster, so I grew up in a lot of locker rooms and knew I wanted to play sports as long as possible. When I started having success in high school, I knew I wanted to continue playing football in college and I ended up at HSU,” Pogue said.
Pogue shared why he chose to attend HSU.
“It was kind of a God thing with how a lot of doors were closed. Coach Burleson gave me the opportunity, so I came on a campus visit at 8:45 a.m. and at 9 a.m. I was offered a position on the team. At 9:15 a.m. I signed my contract. It just happened very quickly, and I’ve been here ever since,” Pogue said.
There are a lot of different dynamics to sports teams. Pogue explained his favorite part of being a Cowboy.
“The comradery in the locker room and the environment in of itself is what I enjoy the most. Not necessarily even playing, but the opportunity of being on the team and being around the family atmosphere. The coaches really care about their players and it’s like being a part of a family,” Pogue said.
Pogue shared what his favorite HSU football memory has been so far.
“My favorite football memory is all of the road trips in general. If I had to pick one specific road trip, it’d be the trip to Trinity last year, which was my first trip,” Pogue said.
The Cowboys are 4-0 in the season so far. The 2019 football schedule can be found at hsuathletics.com.