By Annabelle Smallwood, Staff Reporter
Theta Alpha Kappa, a theological honors society is a national theological and religious organization. Though this national association was founded in the 1970’s, The Logsdon School of Theology has had a chapter of this organization, since 2007.
Nathan McEndree, the president of Logsdon’s chapter, explained what Theta Alpha Kappa is. “I tend to think of it like [a National Honor Society] in high school, but for college, and specifically for those with interest in theology,” McEndree said.
Before McEndree’s presidency, he was vice president. Even at that time, the organization was not very active. After the former president of TAK left the school, McEndree found a box of t-shirts from the group and realized that this was now his responsibility. After looking deeper into the organization, McEndree realized that there were only three members of the group, all of whom are scheduled to graduate in December.
“If we didn’t induct anyone else, our chapter would cease to exist. So, we just started planning some events acknowledging that we were still here and acknowledging the people who were eligible,” McEndree said.
The eligibility is determined by a student’s GPA and how many hours they have taken at Logsdon. If a potential member has 18 or more toward a major in Logsdon, then they are eligible to join TAK.
The goal was to get people to join who were not graduating soon so that they could bring a system of longevity and transition back to the organization. Theta Alpha Kappa found seven students of whom six were inducted. There are many benefits that these students receive upon entering the organization. One of these is the national journal which accepts papers from students. These writings can then be published for the benefit of other student chapters. The idea is to promote theological and academic success.
There are also a couple of scholarships which one can apply for once entering TAK. “We have a good group of people who are hardworking and interested enough in the club that they are willing to make it something. My hopes are optimistic,” McEndree said.
McEndree’s hope is that they become more well-known on campus. So far, the club has had three successful events since their induction ceremony, and one more is planned before the end of the semester. This is the most active that Theta Alpha Kappa has ever been on campus, and the members are hoping to only grow from here.