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Writer's picture: HSU BrandHSU Brand

By: Brett Briggemon

Social Clubs have played a big part of Hardin-Simmons University’s history for much of its history. Over the years they have become permanently ingrained in the unique heritage of Hardin-Simmons.

Although these organizations have changed throughout the years with some ceasing to exist altogether, new ones created and some even being revived. Now in 2023, social clubs continue to be a staple of campus life and tradition. One of the traditional functions associated with these clubs is Rush. Now, for those who are unaware, Rush has already begun at HSU. In celebration of this tradition and its long history, here are instances of Rush from HSU's past.

In a HSU Brand article published on March 10, 1961, Anita Young wrote about events happening for all the separate female clubs, also called sororities. These sororities, Delta, Tri Phi and Beta, had begun Rush events during the spring, leading up to commitment later that semester.

Delta started their Rush-related events by holding an informal get-together. This allowed current club members to ascertain who was interested in their club. Young then explained that those interested in the club were invited to a party the following Tuesday. "The party had as a theme, "Brunch and Crunch with Delta." Chips and Dips were served to the girls attending. The party was strictly a Rush party. The members got to know each of the girls better."

Young also detailed a small portion of the pledging process, "The pledges will be presented and each will receive a pledge pin backed on the club's colors. After the girls are introduced they will be given a big sister and welcomed to the club."

Tri Phi also held an event to gauge interest in their club. Tri Phi had a Coke party with cookies and soft drinks. Approximately 70 girls attended. Letters were given to some of those who were at the event entitling them to attend a more official Rush function that evening. They also had a picnic later on for the pledges. Similar to Tri Phi, Beta's event also included cookies and soda. After this event, Beta got together and decided to send letters to some of those who came to the party, inviting them to a formal Rush event.

As you can see, Rush has a rich history here at HSU. While things have changed throughout the years regarding Rush and various organizations, Hardin-Simmons remains committed to the community created through these social clubs and the legacies behind them.

The Brand (Abilene, Tex.), Vol. 46, No. 21, Ed. 1, Friday, March 10, 1961, newspaper, March 10, 1961; Abilene, Texas. ( accessed October 27, 2023), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; crediting Hardin-Simmons University Library.


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